
Design Excellence

An exciting and creative time for our design team and clients is when they begin exploring the possibilities with design. Our design process progresses through a series of steps beginning with an evaluation of the building site and developing a shared vision for the home or barn.  Discussing the budget early helps everyone understand how costs for construction can vary significantly based on factors involving the site, building complexities and size.

An example of massing in Schematic Design

Lead by Peter Anderson, our team, the Schematic Design phase is where we begin.  This process involves hand and/or computer-generated sketches of the structure’s mass, layout options and floor plans. Through client meetings, the design schematic becomes more defined and then moves into the next phase called Design Development.

Design Development adds much more detail to the design

As a result of a successful Schematic phase, Design Development, referred by us as the “wow” phase, works out the construction details.  Scaled drawings are prepared and more “photo” realistic images of the structure’s elevations are developed.  This is the phase that often takes the longest but is where all the previous work begins to shine.  It is here that clients gain a real sense for how their new home or barn will flow. With the aid of software, we are able to develop an impressive “fly through”, like this.

Developing Construction Drawings is the final, critical phase before we begin building.  The detailed drawings for the field construction team is the culmination of creativity, engineering, and teamwork.

If you missed the link above, click here to watch an example of a “fly through”.